Meet Jami Strazzo, entrepreneur behind Lakeside Lettering Co., and the hottest designer for modern, handmade signs. Jami crafts each piece of artwork by hand, sands, and stains her hardwood, keeps up with loyal fans on her social media accounts, hand-packs her (many) orders, stays ahead of the latest trends, showcases her products at pop-up shops, manages day-to-day business chores, and is no stranger to a power tool. Oh, and she juggles a load of busy kids’ activities, somehow finds time to workout every day, and…she’s one of the most gracious, inspiring local business owners we know.
Super-woman? We think so.
We recently interviewed Jami to learn the story behind Lakeside Lettering Co. and hear some of her secrets to success.
RBF: How did you decide to start Lakeside Lettering Co.?
Jami: One day I was pumping gas and the name just came to me – Lakeside Lettering! At first, I didn’t know exactly what the business would be. But, I had a notes app on my phone and jotted down all my ideas. It took me a full year to really get going. I started Lakeside in August, 2016. We sold the first sign in October when a friend and I took some signs to a local craft show in Ankeny. We were hoping to make some spending money for Christmas. As it turns out, the craft show was amazing! We had a huge crowd around our booth and sold out of everything in about two hours. After that, I got really excited about starting the business.
RBF: Wow, nice business debut! You do such beautiful work, so it’s no surprise you sold out. But two hours?! So, no worries about launching a new business?
Jami: I knew I wanted to start a business. Before we moved to Iowa, I had a cake decorating business in California. It was successful but stressful, and I ultimately ended it when we moved. But through that, I learned how much I loved being creative and running a business. I’ve always been into making things. I was one of those kids who was always creating and wanted to sell things. It was in my blood from the beginning.
RBF: You made that sound so easy! What about the things you didn’t know?
Jami: At first, woodworking was completely foreign to me. But I feel confident now because I’ve learned those skills…and now my husband will ask me about the power tools! Oh, and now there’s so much to learn with social media – using it to market your business and showing customers your product. Social media wasn’t a thing 10 years ago!
RBF: What business traits define you?
Jami: I do like the marketing end and the visual elements – like photography. One quality that works for me is that I like to be busy. Being a business owner is so much work. It doesn’t end! You never realize how much work is there, especially when you work out of your own home.
RBF: What is the most fun thing about owning your own business?
Jami: Making my own decisions every day – for the designs and everything.
RBF: Yeah…talk to us about that “everything” part. As a business owner and a mom, you probably find yourself pulled in many directions. How do you structure your days for success?
Jami: That’s been a huge, hard thing to do – the balance of it all. Sometimes I wonder if I’m giving enough to my family – it’s “mom guilt.” But my kids are old enough to understand what I’m doing, and they are so supportive. They encourage me! Okay, my days…First, I get the kids to school and then I go workout, because I feel like that gives me energy for the day. Then I do my business work until my kids are done with school, when I pick them up, do family time and get them to bed. Then…I go back to work.
RBF: Has anyone been a huge force as you drive your business forward?
Jami: My husband is super supportive. I wouldn’t be doing this without him. The business takes over our entire house (and life), especially at Christmas! My husband has always been supportive and says, “We can make it work!” There are also a lot of local businesswomen I’ve gotten to know. We support each other, commiserate and motivate each other. It’s almost like having coworkers.
RBF: Did you have any big fears in launching Lakeside Lettering Co.?
Jami: Every time I show my signs I have a fear that no one will like my product. I create my art from scratch you know, and each sign is a piece of me.
RBF: We don’t think that needs to be a worry! Your art is so modern and beautifully done! These are unique works of art.
Jami: Oh, thank you! I try to make things that really mean something. I started out making simpler signs. Now, I’m moved more into quotes and words that are truly meaningful – the right words can set the tone in your home. When I stop and think about it, I think that’s the coolest thing…all of my customers have something I made in their homes.
RBF: That’s a nice honor and testament to the quality of your work. With almost 2 years in business, what lies ahead?
Jami: I don’t know! I’ve thought about venturing into different things. For now, I’m trying to distinguish myself and really make my own niche.
RBF: A lot of people think about starting a business. What advice would you have for a wannabe entrepreneur?
Jami: If you feel called to do something, just go for it. It’s easy to look around and see others doing something similar and think “these people are already doing it and doing it better.” But don’t be discouraged! Be unique. Just do it! Oh, and always be nice to everyone…you never know what opportunities might be around the corner.
Take it from Jami. We couldn’t have said it better!
To order your favorite sign or request a custom order, find Lakeside Lettering Co. on Etsy, Instagram at lakesideletteringco and Facebook . Follow along to see Jami’s latest work!
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