Which mother-to-be among us HASN’T Googled “what not to eat while pregnant?” We all do! What DO you eat while navigating around the deli meat, and canned tuna? How do you get enough calories, avoid overeating, and do your best to keep your energy up? Sigh. It’s not easy being pregnant, is it? It’s tough to eat healthy when you’re battling morning sickness, have no energy, and are chasing older kids. Check out these expert tips from a respected dietitian, experienced clinician, and mom!
Q: What are your best tips for expectant and new moms who want to eat healthy?
A: Some practical tips for healthy eating during pregnancy and postpartum:
- Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day to prevent excessive hunger. Excessive hunger can worsen “morning” sickness and contribute to overeating.
- Make freezer-ready meals ahead of time. Chili or broth-based soups work well! Having these options on hand will reduce dining out and make life easier when your energy is low or you’re running on a few hours of sleep.
- Always keep snacks near you. Your purse or car are ideal storage spots. Try shelf stable, nutrient-packed options like almonds, Larabars, Kind bars, or dried fruits.
- Check out grocery list sharing apps like AnyList. These apps allow you to share your grocery list with your partner, store recipes, and never leave the grocery store forgetting an item again!
- Drink plenty of water, approximately 2-3 liters a day. If you don’t already have one, purchase a large water bottle that has mL or L marks to keep track. Some studies have shown water bottles with straws are more likely to increase water consumption.
- BONUS TIP! Maximize your fruit/veggie and whole grain intake by trying to include a fruit or veggie at every meal, and whole grain options at least 50% of the time. This will increase your fiber intake, helping to regulate bowel movements and reduce constipation (a common, unwelcome side-effect of pregnancy).
photo from N. Gasow
Nina Gasow, RD, LD
Nina Gasow is a Registered Dietitian specializing in eating disorder treatment. In her private practice, Nina is devoted to counseling those who are struggling with eating disorders or disordered eating behaviors by guiding and educating clients down their path of recovery. Nina is an advocate for positive body image and an expert on developing a balanced, non-restrictive relationship with food to take back the joy in eating.